I am trying to "decompose" a standard deviation of an economy-wide variable into sectoral components. I have data for the year 2010 on the dispersion (standard deviation) of total economy GDP for 10 countries around the mean, where the mean is the cross-country average GDP. I also have sectoral (3 sectors) data for these same 10 countries, and can compute the standard deviation of the sector-level GDP for these three sectors in the similar fashion (so dispersion of the sector-level GDP for 10 countries, where the mean is the cross-country average of that sector GDP). The sum of the sectors GDP adds up to total economy GDP. What I am interested in finding out is whether there is something similar that can be done with the sector standard deviations, i.e. can they be aggregated in a way such that they equal the standard deviation of total economy GDP? The reason I am interested in this is that I want to be able to say that e.g. sector A accounts for 20% of the dispersion of total economy GDP. Does anyone have an idea whether this is possible? Any help is greatly appreciated.