Let $ExDisc_\kappa$ denote the category of $\kappa$-small extremally disconnected topological spaces (for now fix a strong limit cardinal $\kappa$). There's a functor $ExDisc_\kappa \to \mathsf{RTop}$ (the $\infty$-category of $\infty$-topoi and geometric morphisms) given by $X\mapsto Sh(X)$ and the pushforward.
It preserves coproducts (because the opposite $ExDisc_k^{op} \to \mathsf{LTop} \to Cat_\infty$ preserves products, and $\mathsf{LTop} \to Cat_\infty$ preserves and thus reflects small limits).
Therefore, if I left Kan extend it to $\kappa$-condensed anima (which are the free sifted cocompletion of $ExDisc_k$ - let me use the word "anima" to be sure not to confuse with topological spaces), I get a functor $Cond_\kappa \to \mathsf{RTop}$ which preserves all colimits.
Alternatively, its opposite $Cond_\kappa^{op} \to \mathsf{LTop}$ preserves all limits, and those are computed in $Cat_\infty$. I think it follows that this opposite functor, when restricted to discrete (but not static - so by discrete I mean in the sheaf-theoretic sense, in other words "constant") condensed anima is just $X \mapsto Fun(X,An)$; and for a wide class of $\kappa$-compactly generated topological spaces $X$ (I'm not sure what the technical assumptions are, here - I'll write CG for "compactly generated"), it should be $Sh(X)$ . In particular, this functor is fully faithful on discrete anima, and on a large class of static $\kappa$-CG topological spaces (I might want to add the word "sober" here to specify further the class of topological spaces to which this applies - static is to emphasize that there is no "homotopical dimension" ).
Now let $\kappa$ vary and we get a functor $S:Cond\to \mathsf{RTop}$ which is fully faithful on discrete anima and on a wide class of CG-topological spaces.
Furthermore, I think Clausen and Scholze have proved that for a suitably nice CG-topological space (again, I forget the hypotheses) $X$, there is an initial discrete anima $hX$ with a map $X\to hX$ in $Cond$; and they proved that for $X$ nice enough (probably a CW-complex), this $hX$ is the homotopy type of $X$. Now Mike Shulman seems to state something similar about $\infty$-topoi here (paragraph starting with "The really lovely observation"). This seems to suggest that the map $X\to hX$ in $Cond$ is sent to the map Shulman describes in $\mathsf{RTop}$.
Q1 : is it the case, i.e. can one identify these two maps ?
If these maps are indeed the same, then this shows that $map(X,Y)\to map(S(X),S(Y))$ is an equivalence when $X$ is a discrete anima and $Y$ too, or when $X$ is a nice enough CG-topological space and $Y$ is either a discrete anima or a similarly nice enough CG-topological space.
Now this is a wide class of objects and so one is led to wonder:
Q2 : is $S$ fully faithful ? If so, can one describe its essential image "intrinsically" ?
Q3: if not, is $S$ at least fully faithful on the full subcategory containing discrete anima and nice enough CG-topological spaces ? Can one describe a full subcategory of $Cond$ larger than the ones I described on which $S$ is fully faithful ?
Q4 : If yes to Q3 but not Q2, what is a good example of failure of fully faithfulness ? If no to Q3, what is a good example of a pair (discrete anima, nice enough CG-topological space) where the above map fails to be an equivalence ? (can one be found explicitly ?)
Motivation : it seems like $Cond$ and $\mathsf{RTop}$ achieve a similar "goal", which is to have a place where $\infty$-groupoids and "honest" topological spaces can interact. Furthermore, both have suitably nice fully faithful functors from both of these categories, and as I explained above, one can even define $Cond\to \mathsf{RTop}$ making the appropriate diagrams commute.
The existence of the map $X\to hX$ is one further similarity that makes one wonder what the difference between the two really is - especially when Shulman seems to describe (heuristically, there is no precise claim made in that blog post and so any misinterpretation is on my part) $\mathsf{RTop}$ as a sort of "pushout" of these two worlds.
Addendum : Maybe I should specify that I'm by no means an expert in either condensed stuff or (higher-)topos theory, so maybe I'm completely off here, but I'm hoping something can be said anyways.