This is a question concerning Remark(i) under Theorem 7.4.1(Dynkin's formula) on Page 124, $\textit{SDE}$, by Oksendal.
It says that if $dX_t=\mu(X_t)dt+\sigma(X_t)dB_t$ is an $n$-dimensional time-homogeneous Ito diffusion, with $B_t$ being $m$-dimensional Brownian motion, and $\tau$ is its first exit time of some bounded set, then $\mathbb{E}(\tau)<\infty$, and then we have some desired properties concerning the theorem. But how to prove $\mathbb{E}(\tau)<\infty$?
My first intuition is using the martingale approach as we do for Brownian motion, like considering $M_t:= (X_t-\int_0^t\mu(X_s)ds)^2-[Y]_t$ with $Y$ being $(X_t-\int_0^t\mu(X_s)ds)$. But this is too implicit and cannot tell me any information about the stopping time $\tau$.
Any help is desired.