Let $ X $ be a monoid and $ R $ be a (two-sided) congruence relation on $ X $ which is generated by some relations $ u_i \equiv_R v_i $ for any $ i $ in some index set $ J $. Let $ K $ be a field, $ K[ X ] $ (resp. $ K[ X / R ] $ ) be the monoid algebra of $ X $ (resp. the quotient monoid $ X / R $ ) over $ K $. Let $ I $ be the the ideal in $ K[ X ] $ which is generated by the elements $ u_i - v_i $ for any $ i \in J $.
If I am not mistaken, it immediately follows that the canonical $ K $-algebra morphism $$ K[ X ] \to K[ X / R ] \text{ via } \sum_\omega c_\omega \omega \to \sum_\omega c_\omega [ \omega ]_R $$ has kernel $ I $. But, I cannot find any source on that. Am I wrong or is it too trivial? Is there a good reference for this kind of introductory questions on monoid algebras (or monoid ring)? All my google searches immediately run into more advanced topics.