I just read this post and I see -with amusement- that a (knowledgeable?) reader downvoted this post. I believe -on the contrary- that the question is very interesting (although standard).
We give $A,B,A_1,B_1\in M_n(K)$ s.t. $A,A_1$ are similar, $B,B_1$ are similar. We are looking for an invertible $P=[p_{i,j}]\in GL_n(K)$ (if it exists) satisfying the linear system:
$(1)$ $PA-A_1P=0$ and $(2)$ $PB-B_1P=0$.
The vector space of solutions of $(1)$ has the same dimension ($\geq n$ and generically, $n$) as $C(A)$ (the commutant of $A$). The vector space of solutions of $(1,2)$ (the intersection of $2$ subspaces) has generically the dimension $1$ when $P$ exists (that is, the solution is unique -up to a factor-). Of course the dimension $r$ may be $>1$: Let
$B=diag(2I_6+J_6,2I_7+J_7,2I_7+J_7,4I_5+J_5,4I_5+J_5),B_1=QBQ^{-1}$ where $Q$ is random and $J_k$ is the nilpotent Jordan block; then $r=9$.
First step; we solve $(1,2)$; an obvious solution is to calculate the kernel of $I\otimes A^T-A_1\otimes I$ (if we transform a matrix into a vector row by row). The complexity is $O(n^6)$ operations -we will come back to this subject below-
The general solution depends on $r$ parameters that can be chosen among the $p_{i,j}$.
Case 1. $K$ is infinite; it suffices to randomly choose the considered parameters; the obtained solution is invertible with probability $1$ (if $P$ exists). If, several tests give non-invertible solutions, then there are no solutions. The complexity is in $O(n^3)$.
Case 2. $K$ is finite. Then we need to do more tests, especially if $ K$ is small. Anyway, we can perform $O(n^3)$ tests without increasing the complexity... During my tests, I always found a valid solution very quickly.
$\bullet$ Finally, the true question is "can we solve $(1,2)$ in less than $O(n^6)$ operations?". Our downvoter certainly knows how to answer this question, but I can't. Indeed
There are many solvers for the Sylvester equation that work in $O(n^3)$: Bartels-Stewart, Hammarling, Hessenberg-Schur, Krylov subpaces techniques,...
Yet, these methods work only when the spectra of $A,A_1$ are disjoint and, moreover, the unique solution is done as an approximation.
Here we need an exact value of $P$ (because of the multiplicities of the eigenvalues of our matrices); on the other hand, we cannot put our matrices in Schur form because we don't know how to calculate the eigenvalues. Of course, we can put $A,B$ in Frobenius form.
I am surprised that we do not know a faster method to solve equation $(1)$ because it presents an interesting pattern: $I\otimes A^T-A_1\otimes I$ presents, for $n=40$ and random matrices $A,B,P$, $95$% of zeros located at entries fixed in advance (of course, when $n>40$, the proportion is even greater).
We ask for a specialist in sparse matrices.
EDIT. Answer to LSpice.
$\textbf{Proposition.}$ We assume that $K$ is infinite. Let $A,B$ be random matrices and $P$ be any invertible matrix; then $r=1$ with probability $1$.
$\textbf{Proof.}$ We may assume that $K$ is algebraically closed (the dimension does not depend on the extension of the field). To be completely rigorous, we can reason using Zariski topology.
With probability $1$, $A,B$ have distinct eigenvalues and have each a basis of eigenvectors, say $(e_i),(f_i)$. Let $E=[e_1,\cdots,e_n],F=[f_1,\cdots,f_n]$. The $P(e_i)'s,P(f_i)'s$ are bases of eigenvectors of $A_1,B_1$ (that have also distinct eigenvalues).
Now, let $Q$ be the general matrix that ensures the simultaneous similarity.
There are non-zero unknowns $(x_i),(y_i)$ s.t. $Q(e_i)=x_ie_i,Q(f_i)=y_if_i$, that is,
$QE=PEdiag(x_i),QF=PFdiag(y_i)$, or $Q=PEdiag(x_i)E^{-1}=PFdiag(y_i)F^{-1}$.
Finally, the condition is $F^{-1}Ediag(x_i)E^{-1}F=diag(y_i)$.
Since $E,F$ are random, $G=F^{-1}E$ too; from $Gdiag(x_i)G^{-1}=diag(y_i)$, we deduce that there is a permutation $\sigma$ s.t. $diag(x_i)=\sigma diag(y_i)\sigma^{-1}$.
Thus $U diag(y_i)=diag(y_i)U$, where $U=G\sigma$ is random. The sole diagonal matrices that commute with $U$ are the scalar matrices.
Consequently, $diag(x_i)=diag(y_i)=uI_n$ and $Q=uP$.