The answer to the last question follows from the following result:
Theorem. If $f:\mathcal{M}\to\mathbb{R}$ is a continuous function on a smooth compact connected manifold without boundary and if
\inf_{\mathcal{M}} f\leq c\leq \sup_{\mathcal{M}} f,
then for any $1\leq p<\infty$ and any $\varepsilon>0$ there is a diffeomorphism $\varphi:\mathcal{M}\to\mathcal{M}$ such that
\Vert f\circ\varphi -c\Vert_p<\varepsilon.
It follows from the existence of a triangulation of $\mathcal{M}$ that there is a smooth mapping
defined on the closed unit ball such that $p$ is a diffeomorphism in the interior $B^n$ of $\overline{B}^n$ and that $p(\partial B^n)$ is contained in the $(n-1)$-dimensional skeleton of $\mathcal{M}$. We obtain $p$ by expanding one cell of a trianglation of $\mathcal{M}$ by pushing adjacent cells to their boundaries.
Clearly there is $x_0$ such that
$f(x_0)=c$. We can assume that $x_0$ is not in the $(n-1)$-skeleton of $\mathcal{M}$ so that $x_0=p(y_0)$ for some $y_0\in B^n$.
Fix $\eta>0$. Let $X$ be a smooth vector field in $B^n$ radially emerging from $y_0$ and vanishing in a neighborhood $U$ of $\partial B^n$ that has measure $|U|<\eta/2$. Let $\Phi_t$ be the flow generated by $X$ so $\Phi_t=\operatorname{id}$ in $U$. Then for any $\delta>0$,
provided $t$ is sufficiently large. Indeed, $B^n\setminus B^n(y_0,\delta)$ will be pushed towards $U$ that has measure less than $\eta/2$.
Now we push forward the family of diffeomorphisms to $\mathcal{M}$ by the formula
p(\Phi_t(p^{-1}(x))), & x\in p(B^n),\\
x & x\in p(\partial B^n).
This is a well defined family of diffeomorphisms that is identity in $p(U)$ which is a small neighborhood of the $(n-1)$-dimensional set $p(B^n)$.
The diffeomorphisms $\Psi_t$ expand tiny neighborhoods of $x_0$ towards the small set $p(U)$. Thus for $t$ sufficiently large, the function $f\circ \Psi_t^{-1}$ is very close in the uniform norm to $f(x_0)=c$ except on a set of a very small measure (a tiny neighborhood of $p(\partial B^n)$ and we can guarantee by taking small $\eta$ and large $t$ that
\Vert f\circ\Phi_t^{-1}-c\Vert_p<\varepsilon.