$\DeclareMathOperator\Var{Var}\DeclareMathOperator\CRings{CRings}\DeclareMathOperator\Grp{Grp}\DeclareMathOperator\Sets{Sets}$I'm not a logician/set theorist, and I have some questions on set theory and references that may seem "trivial" for experts. Still I ask the question – if you have references this would be interesting.
In algebraic geometry (See Hartshorne's book, Appendix A) the following theorem is proved:
Let $\Var(k)$ be the "category of non-singular quasi-projective varieties over an algebraically closed field $k$ and morphisms of varieties over $k$. This category is defined in Hartshorne's book.
Theorem 1.1. There is a unique intersection theory $A^*(X)$ for algebraic cycles on $X\in \Var(k)$ modulo rational equivalence satisfying the axioms A1–A7.
The axioms A1–A7 are listed on page 426-427 in the book. For a variety $X\in \Var(k)$ one defines a commutative unital ring $A^*(X)$ – the Chow ring – and this construction is unique. There is only one way to do this, meaning there is a unique functor
$A^*(-) : \Var(k) \rightarrow \CRings$
such that axioms A1–A7 hold. Here $\CRings$ is the category of commutative unital rings and maps of unital rings.
In algebra one defines a group $(G, \bullet)$ as a set $G$ with an operation $\bullet: G\times G \rightarrow G$ satisfying $3$ axioms: G1 Associativity, G2 existence of identity and G3 existence of inverse. One defines a morphism of groups and the "category of groups" $\Grp$. Clearly the category of groups $\Grp$ contains non-isomorphic groups, hence the axioms G1–G3 does not uniquely determine one group. There are many different groups satisfying G1–G3.
In ZF set theory set theorists write down 9 axioms ZF1-ZF9, and these axioms determine $\Sets$ – the "category of sets". $\Sets$ is a category with "sets" as objects and "maps between sets" as morphisms. We would like the category $\Sets$ to be uniquely determined by the axioms ZF1–ZF9 similarly to what happens for the Chow ring. Is it? Is there a unique category $\Sets$ fulfilling the axioms ZF1–ZF9? If yes I ask for a reference.
For reference, Wikipedia has the page ZF set theory.