Suppose there exist a zero-mean Gaussian process $\mathbb{G} f_u$ indexed by $u \in \mathcal{S}^{p - 1}$ with known covariance $\mathrm{E} \big[ \mathbb{G} f_u \mathbb{G} f_v \big]$ when both $u$ and $v$ are known, where $\mathcal{S}^{p - 1}$ is the $p$-dimensional unit sphere. Now I want to know what exactly the integral \begin{equation*} \int_{\mathcal{S}^{p - 1}} \, \mathbb{G} f_u \, du \end{equation*} is. This is a integral Gaussian process on the unit sphere. I try my best to find some articles about it, but I cannot find any useful information about it.
Does anyone can help me with how to handle this integral or know some literature about this integral? Thanks so much!