One can use Pfaffians of the adjacency matrix. It will look like
$\text{pf}(A) = \sum_{\sigma} \text{sgn}(\sigma) \cdot (\text{product of n entries of A})$
over certain permutations where the product is 1 if and only those $n$ edges make a perfect matching. Hence, we sum $\pm 1$ for each matching and obtain the count $\pmod 2$.
This idea can be used to try to exactly count perfect matching by weighting the entries of the adjacency matrix. This can be done by finding a Pfaffian orientation (also called a Kasteleyn orientation). Such on orientation can be found efficiently for planar graphs using the FKT algorithm.
Edit addition: To answer original question more specifically. Yes, we can do this polynomial time. One way is arbitrarily oriented the graph so the adjacency matrix is skew-symmetric. Then $\text{pf}(A)^2 = \det(A)$. So, $\text{pf}(A)$ and $\det(A)$ have the same parity and we can compute will Gaussian elimination efficiently.