Let $T$ be the universal covering tree of some finite, connected, non-tree graph, and let $n_0(T)$ be the smallest positive integer such that there exists a graph $G$ (loops and multiple edges allowed) on $n=n_0(T)$ vertices which is covered by $T$.
If $T$ is the $k$-regular tree for some $k\ge 2$, then it's easy to check that $$ n_0(T)=\begin{cases} 1 & \text{if $k$ is even,} \\ 2 & \text{if $k$ is odd.}\end{cases} $$
If $T$ is the $(c,d)$-biregular tree, with $2\le c<d$, then one clearly has $n_0(T)\le c+d$ (because $K_{c,d}$ is covered by $T$). If $(c,d)=1$, then one can also conclude from Sunada's gap labeling theorem, and the fact that $\mu_T(\{0\})=(d-c)/(c+d)$, that $n_0(T)=c+d$. What can we say in the case $(c,d)>1$?
Are there any general results in the literature concerning this quantity $n_0(T)$ (other than immediate consequences of Sunada's gap labeling theorem)?