For a tropical curve $Z$, let us call $Z_0$ this curve with its 1-valent points removed.
(Def [5] of Joyner-Ksir-Grant Melles) Let the automorphism group of a tropical curve $Z$ be a map $g: Z \to Z$ such that $g$ is a homeomorphism of on the underlying topological space of $Z$, $g$ is an isometry on $Z_0$, and $g$ preserves multiplicities. (If $Z$ is not homeomorphic to a circle, then $g$ will be a graph automorphism on the minimal graph of $Z$, taking vertices to vertices and edges to edges.)
Let's say $X$ is a curve over a field $k$. We may fix a valuation and look at either its tropicalization $\text{trop}(X)$ or its corresponding tropical hypersurface $Y := \text{trop}(I(X))$.
My question is: How are the automorphism groups of $Y$ and $X$ related? Is $\text{Aut}(Y)$ contained in $\text{Aut}(X)$? How are the automorphism groups of $Y$ and $\text{Jac}(Y)$ related?