Let $R$ be a commutative ring spectrum, $M$ and $N$ be a $R$-module spectra.
Let us consider $R$-module maps from $M$ to $N$ up to stable homotopy, that is maps $M \to N$ such that the composites $R \wedge M \to M \xrightarrow{f} N$ and $R \wedge M \xrightarrow{1 \wedge f} R \wedge N \to N$ are equal in the stable homotopy category.
Now suppose that $M = R \wedge X$ is a free $R$-module.
Is it true that the set of stable homotopy classes of $R$-module maps up to homotopy in the previous sense, $[M, N]_R = [R \wedge X, N]_R$, is in the natural bijection with stable homotopy classes of all maps $[X, N]$?
I believe that something like that (or even stronger) holds for genuine $R$-module maps, but what about homotopy $R$-module maps if we are interested in the stable homotopy classes of maps only?