The original references are:
W.-L. Chow, Über Systeme von linearen partiellen Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung. Math. Ann. 117 (1939), 98–105
P. K. Rashevsky, Any two points of a totally nonholonomic space may be connected by an admissible line.
Uch. Zap. Ped. Inst. im. Liebknechta, Ser. Phys. Math. 2 (1938), 83–94 (in Russian).
There are several different proofs of this result. I learned it from Proposition III.4.1 in:
N. Th Varopoulos, L. Saloff-Coste, T. Coulhon, Analysis and Geometry on Groups. Cambridge University Press.
The proof is quite concise, but not too difficult. Here is my own version of the proof from that book.
Chow–Rashevsky theorem
Let $Z$ be a smooth vector field and $Z_{t}$ the local $1$-parameter
family of diffeomorphisms associated with $Z$. Fix $f\in C^{\infty}$
and a point $m$. Then the function $h(t) = f(X_{t}(m))$ is smooth
and $h^{(k)}(0) = (X^{k}f)(m)$. Hence the Taylor series for
$h$ at $t=0$ is given by
(1)\qquad \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} X^{k}f(m) \frac{t^{k}}{k!},
which means
h(t) = \sum_{k=0}^{i} X^{k}f(m) \frac{t^{k}}{k!} + O(t^{i+1})
\qquad {\rm as} \ t\to\infty.
We will use the formal expresion $(e^{tX}f)(m)$ to denote (1).
Let $Z_{1},\ldots,Z_{k}$ be smooth vector fields. Let $f\in C^{\infty}$.
Fix a point $m$ and define
H(t_{1},\ldots,t_{k}) =
f(Z_{1,t_{1}}\circ Z_{2,t_{2}} \circ\cdots \circ Z_{k,t_{k}}(m)).
Note that
\frac{\partial^{m_{1}}}{\partial t_{1}^{m_{1}}}
H(0,t_{2},\ldots,t_{k}) =
(Z_{1}^{m_{1}} f) (Z_{2,t_{2}} \circ\cdots\circ Z_{k,t_{k}}(m)).
Taking then the derivatives with respect to $t_{2},\ldots,t_{k}$
t_{1}^{m_{1}}\ldots \partial t_{k}^{m_{k}}}
H(0,\ldots,0) =
(Z_{k}^{m_{k}}\ldots Z_{1}^{m_{1}}f)(m).
Hence the Taylor series for $H$ is given by
\sum_{m_{1}=0}^{\infty} \ldots \sum_{m_{k}=0}^{\infty}
\frac{t_{1}^{m_{1}}\ldots t_{k}^{m_{k}}}{m_{1}!\ldots m_{k}!}
(Z_{k}^{m_{k}}\ldots Z_{1}^{m_{1}}f)(m),
which will be formally denoted by
(e^{t_{k}Z_{k}}\ldots e^{t_{1}Z_{1}} f)(m).
Before we prove the Chow--Rashevsky's theorem we show how to use
the above Taylor's formula to prove the following theorem.
Theorem. Let $G$ be a Lie group. Then $$ \exp(tX)\exp(tY) = \exp\Big( t(X+Y) + \frac{t^{2}}{2}[X,Y] +
O(t^{3})\Big). $$
Proof. Note that
$\exp(tX)\exp(sY)$ is the same as $Y_{s}\circ X_{t}(e)$
($e$ denotes the neutral element of $G$), because
$s\mapsto \exp(tX)\exp(sY)$ is the integral curve of $Y$
passing through $\exp(tX)$ at $s=0$. Thus the Taylor series for
$f(\exp(tX)\exp(sY))$ is
$e^{tX}e^{sY} f(e)$ and hence the Taylor series for
$h(t) = f(\exp(tX)\exp(tY))$ at $t=0$ is
& = &
\Big(1+tX + \frac{t^{2}}{2}X^{2} + O(t^{3}) \Big)
\Big(1+tY + \frac{t^{2}}{2}Y^{2} + O(t^{3}) \Big)f(e) \\
& = &
f(e) + t(X+Y)f(e) +
t^{2}\Big(\frac{X^{2}}{2} + XY + \frac{Y^{2}}{2}\Big)f(e)
+ O(t^{3})
Now there is a smooth function $t\mapsto Z(t)$, $Z(0) = 0$ such that
\exp(tX)\exp(tY) = \exp(Z(t))
for small $t$. We can write $Z(t) = tZ_{1}+t^{2}Z_{2} + O(t^{3})$.
Since $f(\exp(tW)) = f(e) + tWf(e) + \frac{t^{2}}{2}W^{2}f(e) + O(t^{3})$
and since obviously $f(A(t) + O(t^{3})) = f(A(t)) + O(t^{3})$,
we have
f(\exp(Z(t)) =
f(\exp(t(Z_{1}+tZ_{2}))) + O(t^{3}).
Fix $s$ and then
f(\exp(t(Z_{1}+sZ_{2}))) =
f(e) + t(Z_{1}+sZ_{2})f(e) +
\frac{t^{2}}{2}(Z_{1}+sZ_{2})^{2}f(e) + O(t^{3}) = A
Now substituting $s=t$ yields
A = f(e) + tZ_{1}f(e) + t^{2}Z_{2}f(e)
+ \frac{t^{2}}{2}Z_{1}^{2}f(e) + O(t^{3})).
Taking coordinate functions as $f$ and comparing the Taylor series yields
Z_{1} = X+Y,\qquad Z_{2} + \frac{Z_{1}^{2}}{2} =
\frac{X^{2}}{2} + XY + \frac{Y^{2}}{2}.
Hence $Z_{2} = \frac{1}{2}[X,Y]$, which implies
Z(t) = t(X+Y) + \frac{t^{2}}{2}[X,Y] + O(t^{3}),
and hence the theorem follows. $\Box$
As an immediate consequence we obtain
Corollary $\exp(-tX)\exp(-tY)\exp(tX)\exp(tY) = \exp(t^{2}[X,Y] + O(t^{3})).$
We will see now that the corollary holds for arbitrary smooth
vector fields, not necessarily on the Lie group.
Corollary $Y_{t}\circ X_{t}\circ Y_{-t} \circ X_{-t}(m)
= m+ t^{2}[X,Y]_{m} + O(t^{3})$.
Proof. The Taylor series for
$h(t) = f(Y_{t}(X_{t}(Y_{-t}(X_{-t}(m)))))$ is
e^{-tX}e^{-tY}e^{tX}e^{tY} f(m)
& = &
(1 - tX + \frac{t^{2}}{2}X^{2} + O(t^{3}))
(1 - tY + \frac{t^{2}}{2}Y^{2} + O(t^{3})) \times \\
& \times &
(1 + tX + \frac{t^{2}}{2}X^{2} + O(t^{3}))
(1 + tY + \frac{t^{2}}{2}Y^{2} + O(t^{3})) f(m) \\
& = &
(1 + t^{2}[X,Y] + O(t^{3})) f(m).
Now we can turn to the main subject of the section, namely the connectivity
theorem of Chow and Rashevsky.
Theorem (Chow-Raschevsky) Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^{n}$ be an open domain and let
$X_{1},\ldots,X_{k}$ be smooth vector fields satisfying
H"ormander's condition i.e. for some positive integer $d$ comutators
of length less than or equal to $d$ span the tangent space
$\mathbb{R}^{n}$ at every point of $\Omega$. Then every two points in
$\Omega$ can be connected by an admissible curve. Moreover for any
compact set $K\subset\Omega$ there is a constant $C>0$ such that
(2)\qquad \rho(x,y) \leq C|x-y|^{1/d} \qquad
\mbox{for all $x,y\in K$}. \end{equation}
Remark. The estimate (2) is due to Nagel, Stein and Waigner.
Proof. Let $Y_{1},\ldots,Y_{p}$ be smooth vector fields.
Fix $m\in\Omega$. Define by induction
C_{1}(t) & = & Y_{1,t}(m) \\
C_{p}(t) & = &
C_{p-1}(t)^{-1}\circ Y_{p,-t}\circ C_{p-1}(t) \circ Y_{p,t}(m).
Recall that $Y_{j,t}$ denotes the local family of diffeomorpisms associated to
Since both $C_{p}(t)$ and $C_{p}(t)^{-1}$ are compositions of diffeomorphisms
$Y_{j,\pm t}$ one easily obtaines that the Taylor series for
$f(C_{p}(t))$ and $f(C_{p}(t)^{-1})$ are given by
$\widetilde{c}_{p}(t)f(m)$ and $\widetilde{c}_{p}(t)^{-1}f(m)$ where
$\widetilde{c}_{p}(t)$ is a formal series defined by induction as follows
\widetilde{c}_{1}(t) & = & e^{tY_{1}} \\
\widetilde{c}_{p}(t) & = & e^{tY_{p}} \widetilde{c}_{p-1}(t)
e^{-tY_{p}} \widetilde{c}_{p-1}(t)^{-1}.
It is easy to prove by induction that
\widetilde{c}_{p}(t) = 1 + t^{p} [Y_{p},[Y_{p-1},[\ldots,Y_{1}]\ldots]
+ O(t^{p+1}),
and hence
\widetilde{c}_{p}(t)^{-1} = 1 - t^{p} [Y_{p},[Y_{p-1},[\ldots,Y_{1}]\ldots]
+ O(t^{p+1}).
Indeed, for $p=1$, (3) is obvious.
Assume it is true for $p$ and we prove it for $p+1$.
We have
& = &
e^{tY_{p+1}}\widetilde{c}_{p}(t) e^{-tY_{p+1}}\widetilde{c}_{p}(t)^{-1} \\
& = &
e^{tY_{p+1}} (\widetilde{c}_{p}(t) - 1)e^{-tY_{p+1}}
\widetilde{c}(t)^{-1} + \widetilde{c}_{p}(t)^{-1} \\
& = &
(1 + tY_{p+1})(\widetilde{c}_{p}(t)-1)(1 - tY_{p+1})
\widetilde{c}_{p}(t)^{-1} + \widetilde{c}_{p}(t)^{-1} + O(t^{p+2}) \\
& = &
(\widetilde{c}(t)-1)\widetilde{c}_{p}(t)^{-1} +
t^{p+1}[Y_{p+1},[Y_{p},[\ldots,Y_{1}]\ldots] +
\widetilde{c}_{p}(t)^{-1} + O(t^{p+2}) \\
& = &
1 + t^{p+1}[Y_{p+1},[Y_{p},[\ldots,Y_{1}]\ldots] + O(t^{p+2}).
The claim is proved.
Hence the Taylor series of $f(C_{p}(t))$ at $t=0$ begins with
f(m) + t^{p}[Y_{p},[Y_{p-1},[\ldots,Y_{1}]\ldots]f(m) + O(t^{p+1})
and the Taylor series of $f(C_{p}(t)^{-1})$ at $t=0$ begins with
f(m) - t^{p}[Y_{p},[Y_{p-1},[\ldots,Y_{1}]\ldots]f(m) + O(t^{p+1}).
Now if $F_{1}$ and $F_{2}$ are two $C^{\infty}$ functions with Taylor series
$F_{1}(t) = a + bt^{p} +\ldots$ and
$F_{1}(t) = a - bt^{p} +\ldots$ then it is easy to see that the function
G(t) = \left\{
F_{1}(t^{1/p}) & \mbox{if $t\geq 0$} \\
F_{2}((-t)^{1/p}) & \mbox{if $t<0$}
is $C^{1}$ in the neighborhood of $0$ and $G'(0)=b$.
Taking $F_{1}(t)=f(C_{p}(t))$ and $F_{2}(t) = f(C_{p}(t)^{-1})$,
where $f$ are all coordinate functions we conclude that the function
\phi(t) = \left\{
C_{p}(t^{1/p}) & \mbox{if $t\geq 0$} \\
C_{p}((-t)^{1/p})^{-1} & \mbox{if $t<0$}
is a $C^1$ path passig through $m$ at $t=0$ with
$\phi'(0) = [Y_{p},[Y_{p-1},[\ldots,Y_{1}]\ldots]$.
Let $V_{1},\ldots,V_{n}$ be a basis of $\mathbb{R}^{n}=T_{m}\Omega$ arising from
H"ormander's condition i.e.,
V_{i} = [X_{i,p_{i}},[X_{i,p_{i}-1},[\ldots,X_{i,1}]\ldots],
where $i=1,2,\ldots,n$, $p_{i}\leq d$ and $X_{i,l}\in\{ X_{1},\ldots,X_{k}\}$.
Let $\phi_{i}(t)$ be a $C^1$ path defined as above for
$Y_{1}=X_{i,1},\ldots,Y_{p_{i}} = X_{i,p_{i}}$. Then $\phi_{i}'(0)=V_{i}$.
Finally define $\Phi$ by
\Phi(\theta) = \phi_{1}(\theta_{1})\circ \cdots \phi_{n}(\theta_{n}),
\qquad \theta = (\theta_{1},\ldots,\theta_{n}).
Then $\Phi$ is a $C^1$ mapping from a neighborhood of $0$ in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$
to $\Omega$. Since $\partial\Phi/\partial\theta_{i}(0)=\phi_{i}'(0)=V_{i}$
we conclude that $\Phi$ is a diffeomorphism in a neighborhood of $0$.
This implies that any point in the neighborhood of $m=\Phi(0)$ can be
connected to $m$ by an admissible curve.
More procisely $\phi_{i}(\theta_{i})$ is a composition of diffeomorphisms
of the form $X_{j,\pm|\theta_{i}|^{1/p_{i}}}$. Hence denoting the composition
by $\prod$ we may write
\Phi(\theta) = \left( \prod_{i=1}^{n} \prod_{\alpha=1}^{M_{i}}
X_{i,j_{\alpha},\pm|\theta_{i}|^{1/p_{i}}} \right)(m).
Assume that $|\theta|\leq 1$. For any $x$,
the two points $x$ and $X_{i,j_{\alpha},\pm|\theta_{i}|^{1/p_{i}}(x)}$
can be connected by an admissible curve --- an integral curve of
$X_{i,j_{\alpha}}$ and hence the Carnot--Carath'eodory distance between
these two pints is no more than $|\theta_{i}|^{1/p_{i}}\leq |\theta|^{1/d}$.
Now we can move from $m$ to $\Phi(\theta)$ on such admissible curves and hence
\rho(\Phi(\theta),m) \leq C_{1}|\theta|^{1/d}
\approx C_{2}|\Phi(\theta)-m|^{1/d},
where $C_{1}=\sum_{i=1}^{n}M_{i}$ equals the number of integral curver we use to
join $m$ with $\Phi(\theta)$ (see (4)). We employed also the fact
that $|\theta|\approx |\Phi(\theta) - m|$ which is a consequence of the fact
that $\Phi$ is a diffeomorphism.
Since we can connect all the points in a neighborchood of any point it easily
follows that we can connect any two points in $\Omega$.
The estimate (2) follows from (5).