$\DeclareMathOperator\Aut{Aut}\DeclareMathOperator\Out{Out}\newcommand\ab{^{\text{ab}}}$Let $G$ and $H$ be a groups and assume that $H$ is non-abelian. Then we have a morphism $$\Out(H)\rightarrow \Aut(H\ab).$$ For example if $H=F_2$, the free group with two generators, this map is an isomorphism, for $F_n$ with $n\geq 3$ this is only a surjection and for more general groups this is not a surjection, as was pointed out in the comments by Will Sawin and Mark Wildon.
My question thus is if we are given a morphism $$\rho:G\rightarrow \Aut(H\ab)$$ does there exist a way to tell if this comes from a morphism $$G\rightarrow \Out(H)?$$