Monoalphabetic substitution cipher consists of applying a one letter shift in each letter of plain text. So if $p = p_1 \ldots p_r$ is plain text then encrypted text is $e = q_1 \ldots q_r$ where each $q_i = p_i + k$ where $k$ is the key (the shift). This cipher is vulnerable using freqüency letters in alphabet.
The Vigenère cipher improves that using a multiletter key. Now the key is $k = k_1 \ldots k_s$ and each symbol of encrypted text is $q_i = p_i + k_i$. According to "Introduction to Modern Cryptography" by Katz and Lindell, this is vulnerable by Kasiski's method.
My question is if Kasiski's method or any other method make this vulnerable if we extend the Vigenère cipher to another cipher with any function $f$ which add to $q_i$. That is. $q_i = p_i + f(i)$. [Shift cipher has $f$ constant ($f(i) = k$) and Vigenère has $f$ periodic.]
Do you have references where I could find some information about this