I am trying to solve the following recurrence relation
$4 \leq n \;\; \; \; \; \;$ and $\; \; \; \; 2\leq i \leq \lfloor{\frac{n}{2}}\rfloor$
$F(2i,n)=$ $\begin{cases} \frac{1}{2(2i)-5}F(2i-2,2i-1),& \text{if } n=2i\text{, } i\geq3\\ \frac{n}{2n-5}F(4,n-1)=\frac{n!*3}{4!(2n-5)!!},& \text{if } i=2 \text{, } n\geq5\\ \frac{2i+n-4}{2n-5}F(2i,n-1)+\frac{n-2i+1}{2n-5}F(2i-2,n-1),& \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$
I don't know how to solve a conditional recurrence relation, and I didn't find anything useful about it. any sugestion would be really helpful.
What I did up to now, as the first two conditions and also f(4,4) are initial and special case of the third condition, I only tried to solve the third one without any initial condition, I used generating function. But now I don’t know how to consider the other conditions and even whether the idea of solving the only third one alone was a good idea or not.