Let $P$ and $Q$ be categories, and suppose $P$ has a terminal object $\ast_p$. A parametric right adjoint, or pra, $F$ from $P$ to $Q$ is a functor $F:P\to Q$ such that the functor $$F\,/\,{\ast_p}: P\,/\,{\ast_p}\to Q\,/\,F(\ast_p)$$ induced by slicing over $*_p$ is a right adjoint. In particular, since right adjoints preserve terminal objects, note that every right adjoint $P\to Q$ is a pra.
Suppose that $C$ and $D$ are categories, and let $P:=C{-}\mathsf{Set}$ and $Q:=D{-}\mathsf{Set}$ be the associated copresheaf categories. A functor $f\colon C\to D$ induces a pullback functor $$\Delta_f\colon D{-}\mathsf{Set}\to C{-}\mathsf{Set},$$ which has both a left adjoint $\Sigma_f$ and right adjoint
$$ \Pi_f\colon C{-}\mathsf{Set}\longrightarrow D{-}\mathsf{Set}. $$
In particular, each of $\Delta_f:Q\to P$ and $\Pi_f:P\to Q$ is a parametric right adjoint.
Remark: A functor $C{-}\mathsf{Set}\longrightarrow D{-}\mathsf{Set}$ is a pra iff it is isomorphic to one of the form $\Delta_e\,\overset{\circ}{,}\,\Pi_f\,\overset{\circ}{,}\,\Sigma_g$, where $$ C\xleftarrow{e}\bullet\xrightarrow{f}\bullet\xrightarrow{g}D $$ are categories and functors, where $(e,f)$ forms a two-sided discrete fibration, and where $g$ is a discrete opfibration. This fact is due to Mark Weber.
Definition: Let $\mathsf{pra}$ denote the category whose objects are categories $\text{Ob}(\mathsf{pra})=\text{Ob}(\mathsf{Cat})$ and for which a morphism $C\to D$ is a pra between their copresheaf categories $$ \mathsf{pra}(C,D):=\{F\colon C{-}\mathsf{Set}\longrightarrow D{-}\mathsf{Set}\;\mid\;F\text{ is a pra}\}. $$ We refer to $\mathsf{pra}$ as the category of categories and copresheaf-pras. It is in fact a bicategory whose 2-morphisms are natural transformations.
Question 1: Inside the bicategory $\mathsf{pra}$ of categories and copresheaf-pras, can one characterize those morphisms $F$ that are of the form $F=\Delta_f$ for some functor $f\colon D\to C$?
As pointed out by Simon Henry in an answer below, it is equivalent to ask:
Question 2: Inside the bicategory $\mathsf{pra}$ of categories and copresheaf-pras, can one characterize those morphisms $F$ that are of the form $F=\Pi_f$ for some functor $f\colon C\to D$?