$\def\anonabs{\lvert\cdot\rvert}\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\Ind{Ind}\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO} $Let $F$ be a $p$-adic local field of characteristic zero.
Let $\chi$ be an unramified character of $F^{\times}$ and $\anonabs$ the absolute value.
Then it is well known that the normalized induced representation $\Ind_{B_2}^{\GL_2}(\chi\anonabs^{1/2} \boxtimes \chi\anonabs^{-1/2})$ has a sub-representation $\chi\circ \det_{\GL_2}$, where $B_2$ is a Borel subgroup of $\GL_2$.
Let $\pi$ be an unramified admissible smooth representation of $\SO_n$.
Then I am wondering that whether the set of all irreducible unramified constituents of $\Ind_{(\GL_1 \times \GL_1) \times \SO_n}^{\SO_{n+4}}((\chi\anonabs^{1/2} \boxtimes \chi\anonabs^{-1/2}) \boxtimes \pi)$ are the same as those of $\Ind_{\GL_2 \times \SO_n}^{\SO_{n+4}}(\chi\circ \det_{\GL_2} \boxtimes \pi)$. If is it true, how does the unramified condition play a role?
(Here, $(\GL_1 \times \GL_1) \times \SO_n$ and $\GL_2 \times \SO_n$ are Levi subgroups of parabolic subgroups of $\SO_{n + 4}$, respectively.)