Preparing my Linear Algebra lecture I like the determinant free approach of Axler because the proof that operators $T$ on an $n$-dimensional complex vector space have eigenvalues is so simple:
Fix any non-zero vector $x$, observe that $x,T(x),\ldots,T^n(x)$ are linearly dependent to get a non-trivial linear combination $\sum\limits_{k=0}^nc_k T^k(x)=p(T)=0$, factorize the polynomial, and conclude that at least one factor $\lambda_k-T$ is not injective just because compositions of injective maps are injective.
The existence of a single eigenvalue is enough to prove the spectral theorem for normal operators by induction. However, I also try to mention the algorithmic aspects, and to make this proof an algorithm you really have to find all zeros of $p$. This is in contrast to the usual determinant approach where you only need one zero of the characteristic polynomial to get an eigenvalue.
Assume you have an oracle telling you one zero of a complex polynomial each time you ask. Is there a determinant free argument similar to Axler's which would lead to an eigenvalue?
Of course, without asking the oracle $n$ times, but if one quesion isn't enough perhaps at least considerably less than $n$ calls.