Let $G$ be a simple graph. We say this graph is self-index complementary ($SIC$) if $\lambda_1 (G)=\lambda_1 (\overline{G})$, where $\lambda_1(G)$ denotes the index of the adjacency matrix of the graph $G$. Index of a graph is its maximum eigenvalue.
In this case, I am not interested in the regular graphs. I found a method to generate an infinite family of irregular graphs which are $SIC$.
During my examination, I observed that such graphs have special structures. One of this property is as follow:
If $G$ is $SIC$ then it has at most two connected components.
I found all $SIC$ graphs up to $9$ vertices and the data verify the conjecture.
My question is: Is there any proof for this observation or is there any counter example?