Suppose I have a finite subset $\mathcal{M}$ of a Banach space $B$ $\mathcal{M}=p_1, \dots, p_n,$ and I create the following ``Gram'' matrix $G_{\mathcal{M}}:$
$$g_{ij} = \frac{\|p_i\|^2 + \|p_j\|^2 - \|p_i - p_j\|^2}{2}.$$ Notice that if $B$ is a Hilbert space, then this is just the usual Gram matrix, and, in particular, positive (semi)-definite. The the question is: what is known about the signature of $G_{\mathcal{M}}?$ Experiment reveals that almost all the eigenvalues are positive when $B$ is $L^1,$ , but it is not obvious to me why that should be so. A secondary (presumably much easier) question is what is the relationship between the signature of this matrix and the Cayley-Menger matrix?