A closed, oriented $d$-manifold $M$ is said to dominate another such manifold $N$ if there exists a map $M \to N$ of non-zero degree. (This notion should not be confused with the unrelated concept of homotopical domination that Wall's finiteness obstruction relates to.)
This relation turns $d$-manifolds into a poset (not quite; the relation is not antisymmetric even if we identify diffeomorphic manifolds, as there are examples of manifolds that dominate each other and are not homotopy equivalent; but this subtlety is rather irrelevant) with $S^d$ as its smallest element. It has been of interest to geometric topologists at least since the times of Hopf to study this poset. For a survey on this topic, see http://www.map.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/images/c/cf/Brouwer_degree.pdf.
My question is: can every manifold $N$ be dominated by another manifold $M$ that is (stably) parallelizable, i.e., has trivial stable tangent bundle?