You can express the totality of any computable function in PRA, using Kleene's T predicate, which is primitive recursive. So if you pick any index $e$ for the Ackermann function, the formula $(\forall n)(\exists t) T(\underline{e}, n, t)$ is already in the language of PRA.
However, you cannot prove the totality of the Ackermann function in PRA. One way to see this is to note that PRA is a subtheory of $\text{I-}\Sigma^0_1$, modulo an interpretation of the language of PRA into $\text{I-}\Sigma^0_1$. The provably total functions of $\text{I-}\Sigma^0_1$ are well-known to be exactly the primitive recursive functions.
There is a lot of proof theory literature on provably total functions, which are also called provably recursive functions. But I don't know how much of it focuses specifically on primitive recursive arithmetic. One place to look might be Hájek and Pudlák, Metamthematics of First-Order Arithmetic.