Here is an attempt to prove that the answer is yes.
Claim 1: Median graphs are bipartite.
This surely appears in the literature and is easy to verify. (Consider for a contradiction the shortest odd cycle and a median of 3 vertices on it: a pair of adjacent ones and a third one "opposite" of this pair.)
Claim 2: If $z \neq m(x,y,z)$ then there exists a vertex $z'$ adjacent to $z$ such that $d(x,z')=d(x,z)-1$ and $d(y,z')=d(y,z)-1$. Further, for each such vertex $z'$ we have $m(x,y,z')=m(x,y,z)$.
Let $m=m(x,y,z)$ and let $P(z,m)$ be as in Tony's comment. Then the neighbor of $z$ on $P(z,m)$ satisfies the claim. The second part of the claim holds as one can extend to $z$ the shortest paths between $z'$ and $x$ and $y$.
Main argument: By induction on $d(x,y)+d(x,z)+d(y,z)$. By Claim 1 $d(x,y)=d(x',y)\pm 1$ and $d(x,z)=d(x',z)\pm 1$. If the signs in both of these identities are the same then $m(x,y,z) = m(x',y,z)$ by Claim 2. Thus, wlog, $d(x,y)=d(x',y)+1$ and $d(x,z)=d(x',z)-1$.
If $z \neq m(x,y,z)$ then let $z'$ be as in Claim 2. We have $m(x,y,z')=m(x,y,z)$. As $d(x',z') \leq d(x,z')+1 = d(x',z)-1$, by the second part of the claim we have $m(x',y,z')=m(x',y,z)$. We can now replace $z$ by $z'$ and apply induction hypothesis.
We assume therefore that $z = m(x,y,z)$. Symmetrically, $y=m(x',y,z)$. We have
$(d(x,z) + d(z,y)) + (d(x',y)+d(y,z))=d(x,y)+d(x',z) \leq (d(x',y)+1)+(d(x,z)+1)$.
Thus $d(y,z) \leq 1$, as desired.