In 6.5 of the book by Kelly,
Basic concepts of enriched category theory. Reprints in Theory and Applications of Categories, No. 10, 2005.
the author claims that the $2$-category $\mathsf{Cat}_{\mathcal{F}}$ of $\mathcal{F}$-cocomplete categories and $\mathcal{F}$-cocontinuous functors is in some sense monoidal closed. Indeed $\mathsf{Cat}_{\mathcal{F}}$ has a very natural notion of internal hom, because $\mathsf{Cat}_{\mathcal{F}}(A,B)$ is $\mathcal{F}$-cocomplete. Kelly's result shows that one can define a tensor $\otimes: \mathsf{Cat}_{\mathcal{F}} \times \mathsf{Cat}_{\mathcal{F}} \to \mathsf{Cat}_{\mathcal{F}}$ having the usual property of a monoidal closed structure (up to replacing isomorphisms with euquivalences of categories.
Q1: Unfortunately, I do not understand where $A \otimes B$ is defined, to my understanding he starts mentioning it, but I do not get where the definition is given. Could someone help me to understand it?
After a while, I think I got the definition (even if I do not find it in the book, and I wish someone can tell me what the author is doing there), which is quite involved and comes from a $2$-dimensional adaptation of a classical result in $1$-dimensional category theory. The result is mostly due to Kock and Seal, but I shall mention the Chap. 6 of PhD thesis of Martin Brandenburg, Tensor categorical foundations of algebraic geometry, because he gathered the existing literature in a coherent way.
Thm. (Seal, 6.5.1 in Ref.) Let $T$ be a coherent (symmetric) monoidal monad on a (symmetric) monoidal category C. Then $\mathsf{Mod}(T)$ becomes a (symmetric) monoidal category.
Seal does not show that it is monoidal closed, because he does not assume closedness of the base, yet he proves monoidality of the Eilenberg-More category of algebras. Hopefully, if the base is closed, so is the EM-category.
Q2: Unfortunately, to my understanding, the literature contains a plethora of notions of nice monads: coherent, commutative, monoidal, strong, Hopf... can someone guide me among these options? Which kind of monads induces a monoidal closed structure on the category of algebras?
Q3: I wanted to use a Kock-like result in the case in which $T$ is the free completion under $\mathcal{F}$-colimits over $\mathsf{Cat}$ in order to show that $\mathsf{Cat}_{\mathcal{F}} \cong T\text{-}\mathsf{Alg}$ is monoidal closed. Indeed to me, this is what Kelly is secretly doing. Does anyone know a reference that uses this kind of argument? Indeed here many $2$-dimensional and size-related subtleties should be taken into account.