We offer two facts and a Theorem.
Let $S$ be a commutative noetherian ring containing $\mathbb Z$ and let $G=G_S$ be
reductive over $S$ in the sense of SGA3. That is, $G$ is smooth over $S$
with geometric fibers that are connected reductive.
Let $R$ be a finitely generated commutative $S$-algebra.
Suppose that $\mathrm{Spec}(R)$ is equipped with a right
$G$-action over $S$.
Fact 1 Let us be given a base change $S\to \bf k$ to a field of positive characteristic $p$.
For every $x\in (R\otimes_S {\bf k})^G$ there is an $r\geq1$ so that $x^{p^r}$ lies in the $\bf k$-span of the image
of $R^G$.
Fact 2 For almost all primes $p$ the map $R^G\to (R/pR)^G$ is surjective.
Remark. We do not need to distinguish between $(R/pR)^G$ and $(R/pR)^{G_{S/pS}}$. Base change of the group
is unnecessary when computing invariants or cohomology. (See 1.13. Restriction in our survey
Reductivity properties over an affine base
Theorem Assume further that $R$ is flat over $S$ and that $S$ is of finite global homological dimension.
Then there is an integer $n\geq1$ so that if $S[1/n]\to \bf k$ is a base change to a field, then the map
$R^G\otimes_S{\bf k}\to (R\otimes_S{\bf k})^{G_{\bf k}}$ is surjective.
To prove Fact 1, let $D$ be the image of $S$ in $\bf k$. As $D\to \bf k$ is flat, we have $(R\otimes_S {\bf k})^G=(R\otimes_S D)^G\otimes_D {\bf k}$,
so it suffices to show that for every $x\in (R\otimes_S D)^G$ there is an $r\geq1$ so that $x^{p^r}$ lies in the the image
of $R^G$. Now $G$ is power reductive, so we may apply Proposition 41
of our paper
Power Reductivity over an Arbitrary Base
See also my survey
Reductivity properties over an affine base
To prove Fact 2, recall from Theorem 10.5 of
Good Grosshans filtration in a family
that $H^1(G,R)$ is a finitely generated module over $R^G$.
This module is also $\mathbb Z$-torsion.
To see this, first take an fppf base change to reduce to the case that $G$ is split over $S$ (see SGA3).
Then $G_{\mathbb Q}$ makes sense and
$H^1(G,R)\otimes_{\mathbb Z}{\mathbb Q}=H^1(G_{\mathbb Q},R\otimes_{\mathbb Z}{\mathbb Q})=0$.
Choose $n\geq1$ so that $n$ annihilates the generators of $H^1(G,R)$. Choose $m\geq1$ so that $m$
annihilates the generators of the $\mathbb Z$-torsion ideal of $R$.
Now if $p$ does not divide $mn$, then $\partial$ vanishes in the exact sequence
$0\to R^G\stackrel{\times p}\to R^G\to (R/pR)^G\stackrel\partial\to H^1(G,R)$.
Now we turn to the proof of the Theorem. If $G$ is split over $S$ then we may apply
Remark 31 and Theorem 33 of
Power Reductivity over an Arbitrary Base
to obtain $n$ so that $H^i(G,R[1/n])$ vanishes for $i\geq1$.
If $G$ is not yet split the same result is true. Indeed we may by SGA3 do an fppf base change $S\to T$ so that $G_T$ is split over $T$.
Then we may arrange that $H^i(G,R[1/n])\otimes_ST=H^i(G_T,R[1/n]\otimes_ST)$ vanishes for $i\geq1$. This implies that $H^i(G,R[1/n])$ vanishes for $i\geq1$.
Having chosen $n$ this way we now claim that for every $S$-module $N$ with trivial $G$ action, the
$H^i(G,R[1/n]\otimes_SN)$ also vanish for $i\geq1$. This is clear if $N$ is free and then it follows by induction on the projective dimension of the $S$-module $N$.
(If $0\to N'\to F \to N\to0$ is exact, with $F$ free, consider the long exact sequence for $G$-cohomology associated with the exact sequence
$0\to R[1/n]\otimes_SN'\to R[1/n]\otimes_SF \to R[1/n]\otimes_SN\to0$.)
Now let us be given a base change $S[1/n]\to \bf k$ to a field. Let $N$ be the kernel of $S[1/n]\to \bf k$ and let $D$ be its image.
Note that $0\to R\otimes_SN\to R\otimes_SS[1/n] \to R\otimes_SD\to0$ is exact and that $R\otimes_SN=R[1/n]\otimes_SN$.
As $H^1(G,R[1/n]\otimes_SN)=0$ we have a surjection $(R\otimes_SS[1/n])^G\to (R\otimes_SD)^G$.
As $D\to \bf k$ is flat, $(R\otimes_S{\bf k})^{G_{\bf k}}=(R\otimes_SD)^G\otimes_D{\bf k}$.
We see that $(R\otimes_SS[1/n])^G\otimes_S{\bf k}$ maps onto $(R\otimes_S{\bf k})^{G_{\bf k}}$. But $(R\otimes_SS[1/n])^G\otimes_S{\bf k}$ equals
$R^G\otimes_SS[1/n]\otimes_S{\bf k}=R^G\otimes_S{\bf k}$. The result follows.