$\def\Cat{\mathbf{Cat}}\def\Set{\mathbf{Set}}\def\A{\mathcal{A}}$I stumbled into the following statement:
Let $\Cat(\Set,\Set)_s$ be the category of small functors[¹] $F : \Set \to\Set$ and let $F,G$ be two comonads on this category; then, the Day convolution $F * G$ is itself a comonad.
I find this both interesting and difficult to prove: I can come up easily with a counit: $$ F * G \overset{\epsilon * \epsilon'}\Rightarrow 1 * 1 = 1 $$ but what about comultiplication? The only way to build a valid enough candidate for a comultiplication $\sigma_{F*G}$ was to consider a rather complicated cowedge $$i_{UV} : [U\times V, A]\times FU\times GV \to F*G(F*G(A))$$ and subsequently, the map induced between coends seems to be a natural transformation $$\sigma_{F*G} : F*G \Rightarrow (F*G)(F*G) $$ it seems however extremely painful to prove that this is coassociative and counital.
Do you know this result, and a conceptual reason for it to be true? Or, in the worst case, a counterexample?
[¹]: An endofunctor of $\Set$ is called small if it results as the left Kan extension of a functor $\A\to\Set$, where $\A\subseteq\Set$ is a small subcategory, along said inclusion. This restriction is needed in order for $\Cat(\Set,\Set)$ to (exist and to) form a locally small category.