I am a bit confused about Theorem 2.16 in the book "A Course in Minimal Surfaces" by Colding and Minicozzi. The authors write that Theorem 2.16 was proved in this paper by Schoen and Simon in the more general setting of surfaces with quasiconformal Gauss map.
I looked at the paper of Schoen and Simon, but they prove a Holder estimate for the Gauss map. How can one get the curvature estimate in Colding-Minicozzi's book from that Holder estimate?
Any help will be very much apreciated!
This is the statement of Theorem 2.16.
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Theorem 2.16 : Let $0 \in \Sigma \subset B_{r_0} = B_{r_0}(0) \subseteq \mathbb{R}^3$ be an embedded simply connected minimal surface with $\partial \Sigma \subset \partial B_{r_0}$. If $\mu > 0$ and either \begin{equation}(i)\qquad Area(\Sigma) \le \mu r_0^2 \end{equation} or \begin{equation} (ii) \qquad \int_{\Sigma}|A|^2 \le \mu, \end{equation} then for the connected component $\Sigma'$ of $B_{\frac{r_0}{2}} \cap \Sigma$ with $0 \in \Sigma'$ we have \begin{equation}(\star) \qquad \sup_{\Sigma'}|A|^2 \le C r_0^{-2} \end{equation} for some $C = C(\mu)$.
I know that one cannot expect such a strong estimate for a general surface with quasiconformal Gauss map. For instance consider a cylinder $\mathbb{S}^1 \times \mathbb{R}$. It has quasiconformal Gauss map because it has bounded (actually constant) mean curvature. Moreover it has linear area growth and thus in particular it satisfies $(i)$ for large $r_0$. But it does not satisfy $(\star)$.
On the other hand from the paper of Schoen and Simon I would expect to derive a pointwise curvature estimate, but I don't know how.
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$A$ denotes the second fundamental form.