Let $G$ be a connected reductive group over a number field $F$ and fix a minimal parabolic subgroup $P_0$ of $G$. Let $K$ be a fixed good maximal compact subgroup of $G(\mathbb{A}_F)$ such that $G=PK$ for all standard parabolic subgroup $P=UM$. (here $U,M$ are the unipotent radical and Levi of $P$.
Then Harish-chandra defined a height function $H_G:G(\mathbb{A}_F) \to \mathcal{a}_G$. (here $\mathcal{a}_G$ is the real vector space spanned by coroots of $G$. For the precise definition of Height function, please see 16 page of the Arthur's book 'An introduction to the trace formula'.)
For a standard parabolic subgroup $P \subset G$, Harish-Chandra height function $H_P : G(\mathbb{A_F}) \to \mathbb{a}_P$ is defined by $$H_P(g)=H_{M_P}(m)$$ where $g=umk$ where $u \in N_P, m\in M_P, k\in K$ and $G=N_PM_PK$ is the Iwasawa decomposition of $P$.
Let $G^1(\mathbb{A}_F)=\{g \in G(\mathbb{A}_F) \ | \ H_G(g)=0\}$.
Then I have two questions;
Is this true that $U_P(\mathbb{A}_F) \subset G^1(\mathbb{A}_F)$ for all standard parabolic subgroups $P \subset G$?
For an element $g \in G(\mathbb{A}_F)^1$, we decompose $g=umk$ using Iwasawa decomposition with respect to $P$ as above. Then $u$ should be $1$ and $m \in M_P(\mathbb{A}_F)^1$?
I think that both are true but I can't prove it.
Any comments are greatly welcome!