What numbers are not represented by $5xy+2x+2y$? Do they have a positive density?
This came up for me while investigating some cases here. Here's what I've found:
- All evens are represented with $x=0$, and all $3m+1$ are represented with $x=-1$.
- There are infinitely many $n$ not represented, e.g. any $n$ for which $5n+4$ is prime.
- If $5xy+2x+2y=n$, then either $|x|$ or $|y|$ is less than $|n|/5+2$, so for each $n$ this is decidable.
- Of numbers with absolute value less than 6000, about 80% are represented by this polynomial.
I'd expect a nice characterization for these numbers, but I haven't found it.