Suppose $A$ is an integral domain and a finite type $\mathbb{C}$-algebra. Let $X := \text{Spec}(A)$ and $K := \text{Frac}(A)$ be the fraction field. Suppose $h \in K$ is a rational function that extends to a global complex analytic function on $X(\mathbb{C}).$ Can we conclude that $h \in A$?
If $A$ is integrally closed then, (it seems to me that) just the fact that $h$ extends continuously to $X(\mathbb{C})$ suffices to conclude that $h \in A$ and if $A$ is not necessarily normal, I realize that a continuous global extension is not sufficient to draw the required conclusion. Hence I'm interested in what happens in the absence of normality/regularity hypotheses and when we additionally require a holomorphic global extension?