While working through a proof of this paper, at the middle of page 46, the author seems to claim the following is true:
Let $A\rightarrow B$ be an etale map of rings. Suppose that for every prime $P\subset A$ we have $$ \kappa(P)\otimes_{A}B=0 $$ where $\kappa(P)$ is the residue field at the prime ideal $P$. Then $B=0$.
The only thing I seem to be able to extract from here is that $PB=B$ for all primes $P$ of $A$, which does not seem enough for any kind of conclusion, since $B$ is not necessarily a finite $A$-module. Of course if we would have some Noetherianity or some projectivity assumptions , perhaps one can then use the connections between the different definitions of rank of a module. But else I don't know how to use that $A\rightarrow B$ is an etale ring map.