The Tits building for a vector space $V$ denoted by $T(V)$ is defined as a simplicial complex whose vertices are non-zero proper sub-vector spaces and edges are inclusion of subspaces and $i$-simplices are flags of non-zero proper subspaces of length $i$. The homotopy type of $T(V)$ is wedge of $n-2$-spheres. Each $n-2$-sphere corresponds to something called an apartment which are choice of $n$ linearly independent lines in $V$. Now consider an integral domain $A$ and the free module $A^n$. We can define something similar to $T(A^n)$ which vertices are non-zero proper free split sub-modules of $A^n$ like $F$ such that $A^n/F$ is also free. More generally $i$-simplices corresponds to flags like $F_1\subset F_2 \cdots \subset F_i$. Such that each of them are vertices and also each inclusion $F_j\subset F_{j+1}$ for $1\leq j \leq i-1$ is a split injection and has the proeprty that $F_{j+1}/F_j$ is also a free $A$-module.
Is the homotopy type of $T(A^n)$ known? Or is it possible to describe the generators of its homology groups combinatorially.