I am reading a book on Ricci flow and at one point there is a computation $\Box^* v$ where
$v=[\tau(2\Delta f - |\nabla f|^2 + R) + f -n]u $
$\Box^* = -\partial_t - \Delta + R.$
To compute $\Box^* v$ we split into a product:
$\Box^* v =\Box^* \Bigg(\frac{v}{u}u\Bigg)= \frac{v}{u} \Box^* u \:+\: -u \Bigg(\frac{\partial}{\partial t} + \Delta \Bigg) \Bigg(\frac{v}{u} \Bigg) -2<\nabla \Bigg( \frac{v}{u} \Bigg), \nabla u >$
If you carry out the computation using the definition this seems to imply that $uR\frac{u}{v}$ is equal to the last term, could someone clarify for me why this is the case?