It is not difficult to build new manifolds out of old in the smooth category, for example
taking the direct product or constructing a fiber bundle,
taking the level set of a regular value of a smooth function,
quotienting by the free action of a cpt Lie group,
forming the connected sum and more generally gluing (in different ways) two manifolds
The connected sum construction is very flexible and important for the topological classification of manifolds. Unfortunately, in the complex category it doesn't behave well *: maybe the connected sum doesn't admit a complex structure at all. In my attempt to understand the topology of complex manifolds, it is natural to ask
What are the most common/useful constructions that allows us to form a new complex manifold $X = \mathcal{F}(M, N)$ given two complex manifolds $M,N$?
The constructions I am interested in should have a topological interpretation and when meaningful the complex structure on $X$ should be compatible with the one of $M,N$.
*see Does $\Bbb{CP}^{2n} \# \Bbb{CP}^{2n}$ ever support an almost complex structure? and