At the page 74 of HTT, there is the following theorem
Let $S$ be a simplicial set, $\mathcal{C}$ a simplicial category, and $\phi: \mathfrak{C}[S] \rightarrow \mathcal{C}^{op}$ a simplicial functor. The straightening and unstraigntening functors determine a Quillen adjunction $$ St_{\phi} : (Set_{\Delta})_{/S} \leftrightarrows Set_{\Delta}^{\mathcal{C}} :Un_{\phi}$$ where $(Set_{\Delta})_{/S}$ is endowed with the contravariant model structure and $Set_{\Delta}^{\mathcal{C}}$ with the projective model structure. [...]
In then says that the proof is easy, but I can't manage to show that $St_{\phi}$ sends cofibrations to projective cofibrations. I thought that since the the class of morphisms which are sent to projective cofibrations is weakly saturated it is enough to show the result for all inclusions $\partial \Delta^n \subseteq \Delta^n$.
I did not have much success for the simplicial category $\mathcal{C}$ and the map $\phi$ could be anything and I have a hard time dealing with it.
Furthermore there is something else which troubles me: the model structure on the $Set^{\mathcal{C}}_{\Delta}$ makes no use of the simplicial enrichement on both $\mathcal{C}$ and $sSet$ so I was wondering if I was not missing something by believing that the that model structure on $Set^{\mathcal{C}}_{\Delta}$ is really the projective model structure coming from the Kan model structure on $sSet$ and not the one coming somehow from an other model stucture using the simplicial enrichement.