Let $X$ be a connected smooth complex projective variety.
A holomorphic Higgs bundle is a pair $(E, \theta)$ consists of a holomorphic vector bundle $E$ on $X$ together with a Higgs field $\theta \in H^0(X, End(E)\otimes\Omega_X^1)$ with $\theta \wedge \theta = 0$ in $H^0(X, End(E)\otimes\Omega^2_X)$.
A holomorphic Higgs bundle $(E, \theta)$ is said to have a structure of a system of Hodge bundles if $E$ has a holomorphic direct sum decomposition $E = \bigoplus\limits_{i=0}^n E_i$ such that $\theta(E_i) \subseteq E_{i-1}\otimes\Omega_X^1$, for all $1 \leq i \leq n$.
Now let $G$ be a connected reductive affine algebraic group over $\mathbb{C}$.
A holomorphic principal $G$-Higgs bundle on $X$ is a pair $(E_G, \theta)$, where $E_G$ is a holomorphic principal $G$-bundle on $X$ and $\theta \in H^0(X, \text{ad}(E_G)\otimes\Omega_X^1)$ such that $\theta\wedge\theta = 0$ in $H^0(X, \text{ad}(E_G)\otimes\Omega_X^2)$; here $\text{ad}(E_G) := E_G \times^G \mathfrak{g}$ is the adjoint vector bundle associated to the adjoint representaion $ad : G \longrightarrow End(\mathfrak{g})$, and $\mathfrak{g}$ is the Lie algebra of $G$.
For example, when $G = GL_n$, $\text{ad}(E_G) = End(E_{GL_n})$, where $E_{GL_n}$ is the vector bundle corresponding to the $GL_n$-bundle $E_G$.
Question: Is there any analogue of system of Hodge bundles for the case of principal $G$-Higgs bundles?