Let $(R,m)$ be a Noetherian local ring, and $X$, $Y$ be complexes of finitely generated $R$ modules. Suppose $X$ is bounded above and $Y$ is bounded below. Let $S$ be an $R$-algebra of finite flat dimension.
Q. 1) Prove that $${\bf R}Hom_R(X,Y)\otimes_{R}^{\bf L}S\cong{\bf R}Hom_S(X\otimes_{R}^{\bf L}S,Y\otimes_{R}^{\bf L}S)$$.
Q. 2) If $X$ and $Y$ are $R$ modules such that $Tor_n^R(X,S)=0=Tor_n^R(Y,S)$ for all $n\geq 1$ then prove that $${\bf R}Hom_R(X,Y)\otimes_R^{\bf L}S\cong {\bf R}Hom_S(X\otimes_RS, Y\otimes_RS)$$.
PS: The answers might be straightforward but it would be really helpful if you kindly explain it. Thanks in advance.