  • It is said that the Pontrjagin dual of the 3-dimensional Spin bordism group of $BG$ for $G$ a finite group, $$ \text{Hom}(Ω^{spin}_3(BG),\mathbb{R/Z}), $$ can be expressed by triples of cochains $$(w, p, a),$$ where 3-cochain $$w \in C^3(BG; \mathbb{R/Z}),$$ 2-cocycle $$p \in Z^2(BG;\mathbb{Z}/2)$$ and $a$ is a 1-cocycle $$a \in Z^1(BG;\mathbb{Z}/2),$$ satisfying the equation

    $$dw + (1/2) p + (1/4) P(a^2) = 0.$$

Here $P$ is the Pontrjagin square. Furthermore, by redefinition, we can use a different triple, $$(w', p, a)=(w-A^3/8,p,a),$$ satisfying the equation

$$dw' + (1/2) p^2 = 0,$$

where 1-cochain $A \in C^1(BG;\mathbb{Z}/2)$ is the integral lift of $a$.

  • It is said that the Pontrjagin dual of the 4-dimensional Spin bordism group of $BG$ for $G$ a finite group, $$ \text{Hom}(Ω^{spin}_4(BG),\mathbb{R/Z}), $$ can be expressed by triples of cochains $$(u, q, b),$$ where 4-cochain $$u \in C^4(BG; \mathbb{R/Z}),$$ 3-cochain $$q \in C^3(BG;\mathbb{Z}/2)$$ and $b$ is a 2-cocycle $$b \in Z^2(BG;\mathbb{Z}/2),$$ satisfying the equation

    $$du + b^2 = 0,$$

perhaps with more constraints (to be confirmed?).


  1. Is there some more concise and simple constraint for the triple of
    $$ \text{Hom}(Ω^{spin}_4(BG),\mathbb{R/Z})? $$
  2. Is there an easy way to related the triple data of $ \text{Hom}(Ω^{spin}_3(BG),\mathbb{R/Z}) $ to the triple data of $ \text{Hom}(Ω^{spin}_4(BG),\mathbb{R/Z}) $? For example, by a dimensional reduction from 4d to 3d?

Refs: See for example,

John Morgan's Spin Manifolds and Spin Bordism

and arXiv 1612.02860 and 1803.08147.



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