This is a follow-up to my question on $\Delta^{1}_{2}$ and degrees of constructibility of real numbers that was answered by the user "William", see here: Can $\Delta^{1}_{2}$ separate degrees of constructibility?
Let us say that the real number $r$ encodes the heriditarily countable set $x$ if and only if there is a bijection $f:\omega\rightarrow\text{tc}(x)\cup\{x\}$ such that $f(0)=x$ and $r=\{p(i,j):f(i)\in f(j)\}$, where $p$ is Cantor's pairing function and $\text{tc}(x)$ denotes the transitive closure of $x$.
Let us say that a $\Delta^{1}_{2}$-formula $\phi$ is "coding invariant" if and only if, for any two codes of the same set $x$, $\phi$ either holds of both or of neither of them; thus, $\phi$ expresses a classification of the heriditarily countable sets. If $x$ is heriditarily countable, we will say that $\phi$ holds of $x$ and write $\phi(x)$ if and only if $\phi$ holds of every real code of $x$.
My question now is whether the following holds: When $\phi$ is a coding invariant $\Delta^{1}_{2}$-formula, $A$ is the set of heriditarily countable sets of which $\phi$ holds and $\bar{A}$ is the set of heriditarily countable sets of which $\phi$ does not hold, does one of $A$ and $\bar{A}$ contain elements of all degrees of constructibility of heriditarily countable sets?
In other words, can $\Delta^{1}_{2}$ separate degrees of constructibility "$\textbf{on the set level}$"?
Note that the answer to Can $\Delta^{1}_{2}$ separate degrees of constructibility? does not immediately yield an answer here, for at least two reasons: (1) not every real number codes a set and (2) codes for the same set can come from very different degrees of constructibility. (3) [added after Douglas Ulrich's comment to Liang Yu's answer]: Not every heriditarily countable set is $L$-equivalent to a real number.
[Here was a wrong example of a heriditarily countable set not $L$-equivalent to a real number, which I deleted after Liang Yu's comment below.]