Let $N$ be an even integer, $N>2$. Let $E$ be the set of all outer automorphisms $\phi$ of $G = SU(N)$ which are of order 2, i.e. $\phi \circ \phi = \mathrm{id}_G$.
Choose a particular element $\psi \in E$. Since $\mathrm{Out}(G) \simeq \mathbb{Z}_2$, for all $\phi \in E$ there exists a matrix $A_{\phi} \in G$ such that $$\forall g \in G , \quad \phi(g) = A_{\phi} \psi (g) A_{\phi}^{-1} \, . $$ A simple computation shows that $$A_{\phi} \psi (A_{\phi}) = \psi (A_{\phi}) A_{\phi} = \alpha_{\phi} \mathbf{1}_N$$ with $\alpha_{\phi} \in \{1,-1\}$.
So there is a partition of $E$ in terms of the value of $\alpha$. Does this fact have a name? Are there references discussing it? Is there a geometric interpretation of this partition?