One can define the degree of separation between the classes of points based on the power means
M_p(X):=\Big(\frac1N\,\sum_1^N x_i^p\Big)^{1/p},
where $X=(x_i)_1^N$ is a finite family of nonnegative real numbers and $p$ is a real number. As $p$ increases from $-\infty$ to $0$ to $\infty$, $M_p(X)$ increases from $M_{-\infty}(X):=\min_1^N x_i$ to $M_0(X):=(\prod_1^N x_i)^{1/N}$ to $M_\infty(X):=\max_1^N x_i$.
For sets $A$ and $B$ of points on the plane, a "distance" function $d$, and parameters $p,q,r,t,u,v$ in $[-\infty,\infty]$, define the $p$-size
s_p(A):=M_p((d(a,b)\colon a\in A,b\in A))
of $A$ (one may take $p=0.5$ or even $p=0.1$ to decrease the influence of outliers);
the $q$-distance
d_q(a,B):=M_q((d(a,b)\colon b\in B))
from a point $a$ to the set $B$ (one may take e.g. $q=-1$, to imitate the minimum, in a softer fashion);
the $(q,r)$-distance
h_{q,r}(A,B):=M_r((d_q(a,B)\colon a\in A))
from the set $A$ to the set $B$ (one may take $r=0.5$); the $t$-symmetrization
of $h_{q,r}(A,B)$
(a $(q,r,t)$-generalization of the Hausdorff distance; one may take $t=1$); and the $(p,q,r,t,u)$-separation
between the sets $A$ and $B$ (one may take $u=1$).
Finally, for classes $C_1,\dots,C_k$ of points, define the overall $(p,q,r,t,u,v)$-degree of separation
S_{p,q,r,t,u,v}(C_1,\dots,C_k):=M_v((S_{p,q,r,t,u}(C_i,C_j)\colon1\le i<j\le k))
(one may take $v=-1$).
(For even more flexibility, one may use "distance" functions other than the Euclidean one. One can also use, instead of or in addition to the power means, the median and its various generalizations, as well as various trimmed and Winzorized means.)
As an example, for the four classes of points in each of the two pictures here, we have the values of the degree $S_{p,q,r,t,u,v}(C_1,\dots,C_4)$ of separation equal about $3.326$ and $1.872$, respectively, with $(p,q,r,t,u,v)=(0.5, -1, 0.5, 1, 1, -1)$ and the Euclidean distance for $d$. The second picture is obtained from the first (left) one by moving the blue set to the left and the yellow set down, both then closer to the green set; that decreases the overall degree of separation from $3.326$ to $1.872$.