I am currently reading in Boundary Conditions for Topological Quantum Field Theories, Anomalies and Projective Modular Functors, and have a (I guess) pretty basic question for my understanding of the (∞, n) category of Cobordisms...
Their (informal) definition of Bord(n) is
A genuine example of an (∞, n)-category with n > 0 is given by Bord(n), the ∞-category of cobordisms, which can be informally described as consisting of having points as objects, 1-dimensional bordisms as 1-morphisms, 2-dimensional bordisms between bordisms as 2-morphisms, and so on until we arrive at n-dimensional bordisms as n-morphisms, from where higher morphisms are given by diffeomorphisms and isotopies: more precisely, the (n + 1)-morphisms are diffeomorphisms which fix the boundaries, (n + 2)-morphisms are isotopies of diffeomorphisms, (n + 3)-morphisms are isotopies of isotopies, and so on.
I am wondering about the 2-morphism (and therefore any higher morphism): Lets take the interval I=[0,1] as the bordism between two points {0} and {1}, and similarly I'=[3,4]. What would be the 2-morphism between I and I' (or equivalently, what would be the endomorphisms of I)? (informally). The reason why I am asking simply is that I cannot think of any 2 dimensional compact manifold M with boundary where the boundary is the disjoint union of two intervals, I and I'...
Thanks in advance!
Alex :)