Let $\mathrm{CombModCat}$ be the category of combinatorial model categories with left Quillen functors between them. By Dugger's theorem and the appendix of Lurie's "Higher Topos Theory" it ought to be true that its localization at the class of Quillen equivalences is equivalent to the homotopy category of presentable $\infty$-categories with left adjoint $\infty$-functors between them:
$$ \mathrm{CombModCat}\big[\text{QuillenEquivs}^{-1}\big] \;\simeq\; \mathrm{Ho}\big( \mathrm{Presentable}\infty\mathrm{Cat} \big) $$
Has this been made explicit anywhere, in citable form?
Something close is made explicit in
- Olivier Renaudin, "Theories homotopiques de Quillen combinatoires et derivateurs de Grothendieck" (arXiv:math/0603339)
(thanks to Mike Shulman for the pointer!), where it is shown that the 2-categorical localization of the 2-category version of $\mathrm{CombModCat}$ is equivalent to the 2-category of presentable derivators with left adjoints between them.
[edit:] By corollary 2.3.8, this implies that the 1-categorical localization of $\mathrm{CombModCat}$ is equivalent to the 1-categorical homotopy category of presentable derivators with left adjoints between them.
The latter clearly ought to be equivalent to the homotopy category of $\mathrm{Presentable}\infty\mathrm{Cat}$, but is that made explicit anywhere?