Suppose that we have tree spaces $A, B, C$ (let say CW-complexes). Are given two pairs of maps:
$$f_{0},g_{0}: A\rightarrow B $$ $$f_{1}, g_{1}: A\rightarrow C $$ such that $f_{0},g_{0}$ are homotopic and $f_{1},g_{1}$ are also homotopic.
Is it true that $colim [B\leftarrow^{f_{0}} A\rightarrow^{f_{1}} C] $ and $colim[B\leftarrow^{g_{0}} A\rightarrow^{g_{1}} C]$ are weakly equivalent ?
Moreover, we assume that $g_{0}= i\circ f_{0}$ and $g_{1}=j\circ f_{1}$ where $i:B\rightarrow B $ and $j: C\rightarrow C$ are weak equivalences.