The theory of hyperstructures has been introduced by Marty in 1934 during the 8th
Congress of the Scandinavian Mathematicians [Marty]. Marty introduced hypergroups as
a generalization of groups. He published some notes on hypergroups, using them in different contexts as algebraic functions, rational fractions, non commutative groups and then many researchers have been worked on this new field of modern algebra and developed it. It was later observed that the theory of hyperstructures has many applications in both pure and applied sciences; for example, semi-hypergroups are the simplest algebraic hyperstructures that possess the properties of closure and associativity. The theory of hyperstructures has been widely reviewed [P.Corsini, P. Corsini and V-Leoreanu, B. Davvaz and V. Leoreanu-Fotea, T. Vougiouklis].
In [P. Corsini & V. Leoreanu-Fotea] Corsini and Leoreanu-Fotea have collected numerous applications of algebraic hyperstructures, especially those from the last fiffteen years to the following subjects: geometry, hypergraphs, binary relations, lattices, fuzzy sets and rough sets, automata, cryptography, codes, median algebras, relation algebras, articial intelligence, and probabilities.
The hyperrings were introduced and studied by Krasner [M.Krasner], Nakasis [Nakasis], Massourouce [Massourouce] and especially studied by Davvaz and Leoreanu-Fotea [DAvvaz-Leoreanu], Zahedi and Ameri [Zahedi-Ameri],
Ameri and Norouzi [Ameri-Norouzi] . The study on hyperrings in [Davvaz-Leoreanu] ends with an outline of applications in chemistry and physics, analyzing several special kinds of hyperstructures:
e-hyperstructures and transposition hypergroups. The theory of suitable modified hyper-
structures can serve as a mathematical background in the field of quantum communication
systems. A well-known type of a hyperring, called the Krasner hyperring [23]. Krasner hy-
perrings are essentially hyperrings, with approximately modied axioms in which addition
is a hyperoperation, while the multiplication is an operation. Then, this concept has been
studied by a variety of authors. Some principal notions of hyperring theory can be found
in [17, 18, 26, 40, 42]. The another type of hyperrings was introduced by Rota in 1982
which the multiplication is a hyperoperation, while the addition is an operation, and it is
called it a multiplicative hyperring( for more details see [35, 36, 37, 38]) which was subsequently investigated by Olson and Ward [28] and many others. De Salvo [19] introduced hyperrings in which the additions and the multiplications are hyperoperations. Moreover, there exists another types of hyperrings that both the addition and multiplication are hyperoperations and instead associativity, commutativity and distributivity satisfy in weak associativity, weak commutativity and weak distributivity, which is called Hv-hyperrings, this type of hyperrings can be seen in [41, 42].
Now day the hyperstructures has been growth rapidly. I, as an researcher in this field, am interesting to application of this subjects to other branches of mathematics, Physics and engineering. I shall be grateful if you can inform me about that.
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