Motivated by an étale cohomology calculation I am going to do, here is a question that should have positive and not too hard answer.
Let $A$ be a ring, $A_0$ a ring such that $A_0$ is equipped with an endomorphism $f : A_0\to A_0$, and such that $A$ is the direct limit:
$$A = \varinjlim_{f^n : A_0\to A_0, n\ge 0} A_0.$$
Let $I\subset A$ be an ideal. Does there exist an ideal $I_0\subset A_0$ such that $I = \varinjlim f^{n}(I_0)$?
My guess is $$I_0 := \{x\in A_0\mid f^n(x)\in I\ \text{for some}\ n\}.$$