It seems that there is a nice inverse for matrices that can be written as a diagonal matrix plus a symmetric matrix consisting of scaled blocks of ones.
Consider a real matrix of the form: $$\begin{pmatrix}a_{11}{1}_{r_{1}\times r_{1}}+b_{1}I_{r_{1}} & a_{12}{1}_{r_{1}\times r_{2}} & a_{13}{1}_{r_{1}\times r_{3}} \\ a_{12}{1}_{r_{2}\times r_{1}} & a_{22}{1}_{r_{2}\times r_{2}}+b_{2}I_{r_{2}} & a_{23}{1}_{r_{2}\times r_{2}} \\ a_{13}{1}_{r_{3}\times r_{1}} & a_{23}{1}_{r_{2}\times r_{2}} & a_{33}{1}_{r_{3}\times r_{3}} +b_{3}I_{r_{3}} \end{pmatrix}$$ The $r_i$ are growing linearly in the matrix size $n$, the $a_{ij}$ are bounded in absolute value as $n$ grows, while the $b_i$ are bounded and bounded away from $0$. The matrices $1_{r_i \times r_j}$ are matrices of all ones of the appropriate dimensions, and $I_{r_i}$ are identity matrices.
Are there techniques to analyze the inverse of such a matrix? In the 2-by-2 case, we can compute that the inverse is \begin{pmatrix}-\frac{b_{1}^{-1}}{r_{1}}{1}_{r_{1}\times r_{1}}+b_{1}^{-1}I_{r_{1}}+O(1/n^{2}) & O(1/n^{2})\\ O(1/n^{2}) & -\frac{b_{2}^{-1}}{r_{2}}{1}_{r_{2}\times r_{2}}+b_{2}^{-1}I_{r_{2}}+O(1/n^{2}) \end{pmatrix} Is there an easy way to see why this should generalize?