
Let be $A$ the Lie algebra of polynomial vector fields. A p-cochain $C$ of $A$ is a p-linear alternate map from $A^p$ to $A$. For $p=0$, $C$ is an element of $A$. The coboundary operator $\eth$ is defined as follow: \begin{multline} \eth C (X_0,...,X_p) = \sum _{0\leq i \leq p } (-1)^i [X_i,C(X_0,...,\hat{X_i},...,X_p)] +\\ \sum _{0 \leq i < j \leq p} (-1)^{i+j} C ([X_i,X_j],...,\hat{X_i},...,\hat{X_j},...,X_p), \end{multline} $C$ a p-cochain and $X_0,...,X_n \in A$. As we can see $\eth C$ is a p+1-cochain if $C$ is a p-cochain.

Let be $Z^p (A)$ the space of all p-cocyle $C$ ($\eth C=0$) and $B^p(A)$ the set of all p-coboundaries $C$ ($C=\eth C'$). Since $\eth ^2 =0$, $B^p (A)$ is a subspace of $Z^p(A)$ and $H^p(A)=Z^p(A)/B^p(A)$ is called $p^{th}$ cohomology space of $A$.

My goal is to compute $H^2(A)$, the 2-cocycles are: \begin{align*} Z^2(A)=\{ C:A\times A \rightarrow A : [X_0,C(X_1,X_2)] -[X_1,C(X_0,X_2)] + [X_2,C(X_0,X_1)] \\ -C([X_0,X_1],X_2 ) + C([X_0,X_2],X_1 ) - C([X_1,X_2],X_0 ) =0\}, \end{align*} and the 2-coboundary are: $$B^2(A)= \{ B : A\times A \rightarrow A : B (X,Y)= [X,CY] + [CX,Y]-C[X,Y] \} $$ In wich condition two 2-cocycle $C_1$ and $C_2$ have the same class in $H^2(A)$? On other hand $C_1-C_2 \in B^2(A)$.

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ What do you know about the question except the definition of the Chevalley-Eilenberg complex? An, as a more basic question, on which algebraic variety are you considering polynomial vector fields? (There is no such thing as "the Lie algebra of polynomial vector fields", there is "the Lie algebra of polynomial vector fields on $M$".) $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 25, 2018 at 10:52


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