Let X be a smooth and equidimensional algebraic stack over the field of complex numbers. Beilinson and Drinfeld calls such a stack good if $\forall n>0, Codim\{ x \in X \mid dim (Aut(x)) = n \} \geq n $ and very good if in the above equation the strict inequality holds. Since we are working with stacks, I am not able to understand the meaning of the above definition. How can we associate a substack of " points whose stabilizers have dimension n"? Or in the above definition are we considering the codimension in the topological space |X| associated to X?
Now assuming someone helps me with understanding the above definition, i would like to know how to prove the following remark due to Beilinson and Drinfeld:
X as above is very good if and only if $T^* (X^0) $ is dense in $T^* X $ where $ X^0$ is the largest DM substack of X